Art World Marketing


Websites for Galleries, Artists, Events, and Art Magazines.

Building Your Gallery's Website.

Art World Marketing has been providing web development services to art galleries, artists, and art magazines since 15 years. As such, we bring an expertise to the table that combines knowledge of the art world with that of the digital world, allowing us to create websites that are tailored to the way art is delivered online. That includes eCommerce, Digital Marketing, and for examples viewing rooms.

Website development refers to all the activities that go into creating a website. Everything from programming languages such as HTML and PHP, to code and scripting, network settings and CMS development. It includes using the right tools, whether for example WordPress, Artlogic, or Woocommerce. Having a solid website allows for more sales, a better reputation, more visitors to your gallery, and a stronger presence.

Painting at a museum

Websites for Galleries: Increasing Sales.

A well-designed website can help your gallery expand. Customers will find it easy to purchase from you if your website’s contents are straightforward. Updating your website after a certain period also draws clients since they will return to discover new artworks, artists and events.

Want to take it a step further? Customers who have provided their contact information can also receive updates and alerts. This will allow for increased awareness the moment your gallery publishes something new – whether a show opening, new artworks, or more information about the gallery.

Artworks and Artists Are Available at All Times.

An internet presence for an art gallery is very important due to information availability. Clients may access a gallery with a solid art website and authentic online pages at any time and from any location with an internet connection.

In addition, clients can instantly get artwork specifications and more information around the artists you work with, improving your gallery’s online promotion. Using the right technologies for web development, your website can bring stronger results all around.

Expanding your Gallery Onto the Web.

Web development for the right website boosts a gallery’s output: number of visitors, number of clients, number of artists and artworks, number of sales – they all rise. And this is where the right web developer can help: ideas for the art world that increase your online presence, combined with digital marketing and International SEO strategies.

A gallery website is crucial in our digitalised environment, as it allows spreading the word about your gallery’s artists, artworks, events and news.

Large white gallery space

Websites for Galleries through AWM.

Using the right tools, we’ll create a gallery website that helps lift your online presence. Reach out to Art World Marketing to discuss the next steps.